Remembering the Toowong Rowing Club in your will is a wonderful gift and is one that will ensure your footprint on our club is not forgotten. Planning for the future is important and your decision to leave a bequest is an enduring investment that can be directed to a range of programs and initiatives.
We are grateful and humbled by those who wish to leave a legacy to the Toowong Rowing Club. No matter the size or amount they are able to give. We rely on the power of individuals giving together to help us and we hope to be able to count you among our wonderful bequeathers.

What can I bequeath?
A bequest to the Toowong Rowing Club can come in several forms:
A specific sum of money or nominated asset such as a house or other land, shares and other investments, life insurance, works of art or other valuables.
A bequest of your entire estate, or percentage of your entire estate (after all debts and expenses have been paid).
A residual bequest, or a specified share or percentage of your residuary estate, after all, debts and expenses have been paid, and other gifts distributed.
Your property (such as a house) can pass to Toowong Rowing Club after having been used or occupied by a primary beneficiary during their lifetime. Toowong Rowing Club would receive this only after a specified period or after the nominated person has passed.
How do I do this?
If you wish to give a bequest to Toowong Rowing Club, please ensure you use our advised will wording. While the exact Will wording will depend on the type of bequest you wish to make, our advised format will ensure there is no confusion regarding the recipient of your bequest and the way in which funds will be used. We recommend having a lawyer review your will.
“I …………………………………… devise and bequeath free of all duties…………………… (amount/percentage or share/residue or assets to be gifted) to the Toowong Rowing Club Inc. ( ABN 24 252 181 434) of 37 Keith St, St.Luica, Queensland, 4067. My bequest is to be used for the general purposes of the Toowong Rowing Club. I direct that the receipt of any director or other proper officer for the time being of the Toowong Rowing Club Inc will be a sufficient discharge to my Trustees.”
Once your will is updated please consider advising your executors and Toowong Rowing Club of your intentions to donate to our club.